

    PrincipalSchool Principal Message

    If Vidyalaya is compared to a garden the children are the flowers. They are garnered with utmost care and devotion. Teachers like caring and loving Gardener fondle them till they boom and smile. They continue their effort till the trees bear the fruit of knowledge. The concept of learning has undergone a change over the years and as a result of which the teaching has been made child centered. In the entire process he is the pivotal point and we are simply the facilitator. All the learning activities take place in a free and democratic spirit
    The clinched saying, “Charity begins at home” still holds good in the present day world. It is the students who should involve themselves without any ifs and buts with the academic and other activities of the Vidyalaya. It is their involvement, which generates a feeling of belongingness and thus alleviates a good many problems. Our learned teams of teachers are working tirelessly and strive persistently to cultivate certain essential values either overtly or covertly. The incredible impression left on their mind moulds and shapes their character and thus produces good citizens.
    Each child is biologically programmed to learn and therefore should not be underrated at any circumstance. The Vidyalaya is quite vigilant and never resorts to any harsh measure to demoralize any child. Of course there are well-articulated rules and regulations, which the Vidyalaya spells out every now and then. However, no child is reprimanded for its noncompliance. We give him a chance to mend, correct, rectify himself and above all make him realize and repent for that. We spare no effort to mitigate his problems in and out of school. In that way the Vidyalaya acts as troubleshooter. We also aim at establishing a very good rapport with each and every individual child. Even very shy and recalcitrant group of students feel free to vent their problems. Even the slow Learners are made to feel that they are an integral part of the system and their attainment of mental erudition and maturity is a matter of great concern for us. Other than producing good student with high proficiency in academics we look forward to produce good and ideal citizen in the long run.